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Chapter 24 Active Reading Guide Early Life and the Diversification of Prokaryotes

Biology in Focus - Affiliate 24

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Biology in Focus - Affiliate 24 - Early Life and Diversification of Prokaryotes

  1. 1. CAMPBELL BIOLOGY IN FOCUS © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Urry • Cain • Wasserman • Minorsky • Jackson • Reece Lecture Presentations by Kathleen Fitzpatrick and Nicole Tunbridge 24 Early Life and the Diversification of Prokaryotes
  2. 2. © 2022 Pearson Instruction, Inc.  Earth formed billion years ago  The oldest fossil organisms are prokaryotes dating back to 3.5 billion years ago  Prokaryotes are single-celled organisms in the domains Bacteria and Archaea  Some of the earliest prokaryotic cells lived in dense mats that resembled stepping stones Overview: The Offset Cells
  3. iii. © 2022 Pearson Pedagogy, Inc. Figure 24.1
  4. iv. © 2022 Pearson Instruction, Inc.  Prokaryotes are the most abundant organisms on World  In that location are more in a handful of fertile soil than the number of people who take ever lived  Prokaryotes thrive almost everywhere, including places too acidic, salty, cold, or hot for most other organisms  Some prokaryotes colonize the bodies of other organisms
  5. v. © 2022 Pearson Teaching, Inc. Effigy 24.2
  6. 6. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Concept 24.1: Conditions on early on Earth made the origin of life possible  Chemical and physical processes on early Globe may have produced very elementary cells through a sequence of stages 1. Abiotic synthesis of small-scale organic molecules 2. Joining of these small molecules into macromolecules 3. Packaging of molecules into protocells, membrane- leap aerosol that maintain a consistent internal chemistry 4. Origin of self-replicating molecules
  7. vii. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Synthesis of Organic Compounds on Early on Earth  Globe's early on atmosphere probable contained h2o vapor and chemicals released by volcanic eruptions (nitrogen, nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide, marsh gas, ammonia, and hydrogen)  As Earth cooled, water vapor condensed into oceans, and most of the hydrogen escaped into space
  8. viii. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc.  In the 1920s, A. I. Oparin and J. B. South. Haldane hypothesized that the early on atmosphere was a reducing environment  In 1953, Stanley Miller and Harold Urey conducted lab experiments that showed that the abiotic synthesis of organic molecules in a reducing temper is possible
  9. 9. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc.  Withal, the show is not yet disarming that the early atmosphere was in fact reducing  Instead of forming in the temper, the first organic compounds may take been synthesized near volcanoes or deep-sea vents  Miller-Urey-type experiments demonstrate that organic molecules could take formed with various possible atmospheres  Organic molecules have also been found in meteorites Video: Hydrothermal Vent Video: Tubeworms
  10. x. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.3 Massof aminoacids(mg) Numberof aminoacids 1953 19532008 twenty 2008 ten 0 200 100 0
  11. 11. © 2022 Pearson Pedagogy, Inc. Effigy 24.3a
  12. 12. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Abiotic Synthesis of Macromolecules  RNA monomers have been produced spontaneously from uncomplicated molecules  Small-scale organic molecules polymerize when they are full-bodied on hot sand, clay, or rock
  13. xiii. © 2022 Pearson Pedagogy, Inc. Protocells  Replication and metabolism are primal backdrop of life and may have appeared together  Protocells may have been fluid-filled vesicles with a membrane-like structure  In water, lipids and other organic molecules can spontaneously form vesicles with a lipid bilayer
  14. 14. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc.  Calculation dirt can increase the charge per unit of vesicle formation  Vesicles exhibit elementary reproduction and metabolism and maintain an internal chemical environment
  15. 15. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.4 Vesicle purlieus Precursor molecules but 1 µm Relativeturbidity,an indexofvesiclenumber (a) Self-associates Fourth dimension (minutes) 0.4 0.2 0 0 20 xl 60 Precursor molecules plus montmorillonite clay twenty µm (c) Absorption of RNA(b) Reproduction
  16. 16. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.4a Precursor molecules only Relativeturbidity,an indexofvesiclenumber Time (minutes) 0.4 0.two 0 0 20 40 60 Precursor molecules plus montmorillonite dirt (a) Self-assembly
  17. 17. © 2022 Pearson Educational activity, Inc. Effigy 24.4b 20 µm (b) Reproduction
  18. 18. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.4c Vesicle boundary one µm (c) Assimilation of RNA
  19. 19. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Self-Replicating RNA  The first genetic material was probably RNA, not DNA  RNA molecules chosen ribozymes have been found to catalyze many different reactions  For example, ribozymes can make complementary copies of short stretches of RNA
  20. twenty. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc.  Natural selection has produced cocky-replicating RNA molecules  RNA molecules that were more stable or replicated more quickly would have left the nearly descendant RNA molecules  The early on genetic fabric might accept formed an "RNA globe"
  21. 21. © 2022 Pearson Didactics, Inc.  Vesicles with RNA capable of replication would have been protocells  RNA could have provided the template for DNA, a more stable genetic material
  22. 22. © 2022 Pearson Teaching, Inc. Fossil Show of Early Life  Many of the oldest fossils are stromatolites, layered rocks that formed from the activities of prokaryotes up to iii.5 billion years ago  Ancient fossils of private prokaryotic cells have also been discovered  For instance, fossilized prokaryotic cells take been found in three.iv-billion-year-onetime rocks from Australia
  23. 23. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.five Time (billions of years ago) 10 µm 30µm 5cm Nonphotosynthetic bacteria Cyanobacteria Stromatolites Possible earliest advent in fossil record iv three 2 1 0
  24. 24. © 2022 Pearson Didactics, Inc. Figure 24.5a Time (billions of years agone) Nonphotosynthetic bacteria Cyanobacteria Stromatolites Possible earliest advent in fossil tape 4 iii 2 ane 0
  25. 25. © 2022 Pearson Didactics, Inc. Figure 24.5b 30µm 3-billion-year-old fossil of a cluster of nonphotosynthetic prokaryote cells
  26. 26. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.5c 5cm fossilized stromatolite
  27. 27. © 2022 Pearson Didactics, Inc. Figure 24.5d 10 µm 1.five-billion-year-old fossil of a cyanobacterium
  28. 28. © 2022 Pearson Pedagogy, Inc.  The cyanobacteria that grade stromatolites were the principal photosynthetic organisms for over a billion years  Early blue-green alga began the release of oxygen into Earth's temper  Surviving prokaryote lineages either avoided or adapted to the newly aerobic environment
  29. 29. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Concept 24.2: Various structural and metabolic adaptations have evolved in prokaryotes  Most prokaryotes are unicellular, although some species course colonies  Well-nigh prokaryotic cells accept diameters of 0.5–v µm, much smaller than the x–100 µm diameter of many eukaryotic cells  Prokaryotic cells have a variety of shapes  The 3 most common shapes are spheres (cocci), rods (bacilli), and spirals
  30. 30. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.6 3µm (a) Spherical (b) Rod-shaped (c) Spiral 1µm 1µm
  31. 31. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.6a (a) Spherical 1µm
  32. 32. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Effigy 24.6b (b) Rod-shaped 1µm
  33. 33. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.6c 3µm (c) Spiral
  34. 34. © 2022 Pearson Teaching, Inc. Cell-Surface Structures  A key feature of nearly all prokaryotic cells is their prison cell wall, which maintains jail cell shape, protects the prison cell, and prevents it from bursting in a hypotonic environment  Eukaryote prison cell walls are made of cellulose or chitin  Bacterial cell walls incorporate peptidoglycan, a network of modified sugars cross-linked by polypeptides
  35. 35. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc.  Archaeal cell walls comprise polysaccharides and proteins simply lack peptidoglycan  Scientists use the Gram stain to classify bacteria by prison cell wall composition  Gram-positive bacteria have simpler walls with a large amount of peptidoglycan  Gram-negative leaner have less peptidoglycan and an outer membrane that can be toxic
  36. 36. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.7 Peptido- glycan layer Cell wall Gram-negative bacteria 10 µm Gram-positive bacteria (b) Gram-negative leaner (a) Gram-positive leaner Plasma membrane Plasma membrane Peptidoglycan layer Cell wall Outer membrane Sugar portion of lipopolysaccharide
  37. 37. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Effigy 24.7a Peptido- glycan layer Prison cell wall (a) Gram-positive bacteria Plasma membrane
  38. 38. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.7b (b) Gram-negative bacteria Plasma membrane Peptidoglycan layer Cell wall Outer membrane Carbohydrate portion of lipopolysaccharide
  39. 39. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Effigy 24.7c Gram-negative bacteria 10 µm Gram-positive leaner
  40. xl. © 2022 Pearson Teaching, Inc.  Many antibiotics target peptidoglycan and damage bacterial cell walls  Gram-negative bacteria are more likely to be antibiotic resistant  A polysaccharide or protein layer called a capsule covers many prokaryotes
  41. 41. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.8 Bacterial jail cell wall Bacterial capsule Tonsil jail cell 200 nm
  42. 42. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc.  Some bacteria develop resistant cells called endospores when they lack an essential nutrient  Other bacteria take fimbriae, which allow them to stick to their substrate or other individuals in a colony  Pili (or sex pili) are longer than fimbriae and allow prokaryotes to exchange Deoxyribonucleic acid
  43. 43. © 2022 Pearson Teaching, Inc. Figure 24.9 Fimbriae ane µm
  44. 44. © 2022 Pearson Didactics, Inc. Motility  In a heterogeneous environment, many bacteria exhibit taxis, the power to move toward or away from a stimulus  Chemotaxis is the movement toward or away from a chemic stimulus
  45. 45. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc.  Most motile leaner propel themselves past flagella scattered virtually the surface or concentrated at i or both ends  Flagella of bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes are composed of different proteins and probable evolved independently
  46. 46. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.10 Flagellum Filament 20 nm Hook MotorCell wall Rod Peptidoglycan layer Plasma membrane
  47. 47. © 2022 Pearson Instruction, Inc. Figure 24.10a 20 nm Claw Motor
  48. 48. © 2022 Pearson Teaching, Inc. Evolutionary Origins of Bacterial Flagella  Bacterial flagella are composed of a motor, hook, and filament  Many of the flagella'southward proteins are modified versions of proteins that perform other tasks in bacteria  Flagella likely evolved as existing proteins were added to an ancestral secretory arrangement  This is an instance of exaptation, where existing structures accept on new functions through descent with modification
  49. 49. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Internal Organization and DNA  Prokaryotic cells ordinarily lack complex compartmentalization  Some prokaryotes exercise accept specialized membranes that perform metabolic functions  These are usually infoldings of the plasma membrane
  50. 50. © 2022 Pearson Educational activity, Inc. Effigy 24.11 Respiratory membrane 0.ii µm i µm Thylakoid membranes (a) Aerobic prokaryote (b) Photosynthetic prokaryote
  51. 51. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.11a Respiratory membrane 0.2 µm (a) Aerobic prokaryote
  52. 52. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.11b 1 µm Thylakoid membranes (b) Photosynthetic prokaryote
  53. 53. © 2022 Pearson Didactics, Inc.  The prokaryotic genome has less Dna than the eukaryotic genome  Most of the genome consists of a round chromosome  The chromosome is non surrounded by a membrane; it is located in the nucleoid region  Some species of bacteria also have smaller rings of DNA chosen plasmids
  54. 54. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Effigy 24.12 Plasmids 1 µm Chromosome
  55. 55. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc.  There are some differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes in Deoxyribonucleic acid replication, transcription, and translation  These allow people to use some antibiotics to inhibit bacterial growth without harming themselves
  56. 56. © 2022 Pearson Didactics, Inc. Nutritional and Metabolic Adaptations  Prokaryotes can be categorized past how they obtain free energy and carbon  Phototrophs obtain energy from lite  Chemotrophs obtain energy from chemicals  Autotrophs require CO2 as a carbon source  Heterotrophs require an organic nutrient to make organic compounds
  57. 57. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc.  Energy and carbon sources are combined to give iv major modes of nutrition  Photoautotrophy  Chemoautotrophy  Photoheterotrophy  Chemoheterotrophy
  58. 58. © 2022 Pearson Pedagogy, Inc. Tabular array 24.1
  59. 59. © 2022 Pearson Educational activity, Inc. The Office of Oxygen in Metabolism  Prokaryotic metabolism varies with respect to O2  Obligate aerobes crave O2 for cellular respiration  Obligate anaerobes are poisoned by O2 and utilize fermentation or anaerobic respiration, in which substances other than O2 act as electron acceptors  Facultative anaerobes can survive with or without O2
  60. 60. © 2022 Pearson Instruction, Inc. Nitrogen Metabolism  Nitrogen is essential for the production of amino acids and nucleic acids  Prokaryotes tin can metabolize nitrogen in a variety of means  In nitrogen fixation, some prokaryotes catechumen atmospheric nitrogen (N2) to ammonia (NH3)
  61. 61. © 2022 Pearson Didactics, Inc. Metabolic Cooperation  Cooperation between prokaryotes allows them to use environmental resources they could not employ as individual cells  In the cyanobacterium Anabaena, photosynthetic cells and nitrogen-fixing cells called heterocysts (or heterocytes) substitution metabolic products
  62. 62. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Effigy 24.13 20 µm Heterocyst Photosynthetic cells
  63. 63. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc.  In some prokaryotic species, metabolic cooperation occurs in surface-blanket colonies called biofilms
  64. 64. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Reproduction  Prokaryotes reproduce apace by binary fission and tin can divide every 1–3 hours  Key features of prokaryotic biological science allow them to divide quickly  They are modest  They reproduce by binary fission  They accept brusk generation times
  65. 65. © 2022 Pearson Instruction, Inc. Adaptations of Prokaryotes: A Summary  The ongoing success of prokaryotes is an extraordinary example of physiological and metabolic diversification  Prokaryotic diversification can be viewed as a first great wave of adaptive radiation in the evolutionary history of life
  66. 66. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc.  Prokaryotes have considerable genetic variation  Three factors contribute to this genetic multifariousness  Rapid reproduction  Mutation  Genetic recombination Concept 24.iii: Rapid reproduction, mutation, and genetic recombination promote genetic multifariousness in prokaryotes
  67. 67. © 2022 Pearson Teaching, Inc. Rapid Reproduction and Mutation  Prokaryotes reproduce past binary fission, and offspring cells are generally identical  Mutation rates during binary fission are low, but considering of rapid reproduction, mutations can accumulate rapidly in a population  Loftier diversity from mutations allows for rapid evolution  Prokaryotes are non "primitive" just are highly evolved
  68. 68. © 2022 Pearson Didactics, Inc. Effigy 24.14 Experiment 0.1 mL (population sample) Results Daily serial transfer Sometime tube (discarded after transfer) New tube (9.9 mL growth medium) Populationgrowthrate (relativetoancestral population) Generation 10,000 20,00015,0005,0000 1.eight 1.6 1.4 1.2 one.0
  69. 69. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.14a ResultsPopulationgrowthrate (relativetoancestral population) Generation 10,000 20,00015,0005,0000 one.8 ane.6 1.4 1.2 one.0
  70. 70. © 2022 Pearson Didactics, Inc. Genetic Recombination  Genetic recombination, the combining of Deoxyribonucleic acid from ii sources, contributes to diversity  Prokaryotic Dna from different individuals can be brought together by transformation, transduction, and conjugation  Move of genes among individuals from different species is called horizontal gene transfer
  71. 71. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Transformation and Transduction  A prokaryotic cell tin can take up and contain foreign DNA from the surrounding environment in a process chosen transformation  Transduction is the movement of genes betwixt bacteria by bacteriophages (viruses that infect bacteria)
  72. 72. © 2022 Pearson Educational activity, Inc. Figure 24.xv-1 1 Phage infects bacterial donor cell with A+ and B+ alleles. Donor prison cell A+ B+ Phage Dna
  73. 73. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.xv-2 2 i Phage infects bacterial donor jail cell with A+ and B+ alleles. Phage DNA is replicated and proteins synthesized. Donor prison cell A+ B+ A+ B+ Phage DNA
  74. 74. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.fifteen-3 3 2 1 Phage infects bacterial donor prison cell with A+ and B+ alleles. Phage DNA is replicated and proteins synthesized. Fragment of DNA with A+ allele is packaged within a phage capsid. Donor cell A+ A+ B+ A+ B+ Phage Deoxyribonucleic acid
  75. 75. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. 4 3 2 1 Phage infects bacterial donor prison cell with A+ and B+ alleles. Phage Dna is replicated and proteins synthesized. Fragment of Dna with A+ allele is packaged within a phage capsid. Phage with A+ allele infects bacterial recipient cell. Recipient cell Crossing over Donor prison cell A− B− A+ A+ A+ B+ A+ B+ Phage Deoxyribonucleic acid Figure 24.15-four
  76. 76. © 2022 Pearson Educational activity, Inc. Figure 24.15-five Phage infects bacterial donor cell with A+ and B+ alleles. Incorporation of phage DNA creates recombinant jail cell with genotype A+ B+ . Phage Dna is replicated and proteins synthesized. Fragment of Deoxyribonucleic acid with A+ allele is packaged within a phage capsid. Phage with A+ allele infects bacterial recipient cell. Recombinant prison cell Recipient cell Crossing over Donor cell A+ B− A− B− A+ A+ A+ B+ A+ B+ Phage DNA 5 four iii ii 1
  77. 77. © 2022 Pearson Teaching, Inc. Conjugation and Plasmids  Conjugation is the process where genetic material is transferred between prokaryotic cells  In bacteria, the DNA transfer is one way  In E. coli, the donor cell attaches to a recipient by a pilus, pulls it closer, and transfers DNA
  78. 78. © 2022 Pearson Educational activity, Inc. Figure 24.sixteen Sex hair i µm
  79. 79. © 2022 Pearson Pedagogy, Inc.  The F factor is a slice of DNA required for the production of pili  Cells containing the F plasmid (F+ ) office every bit Deoxyribonucleic acid donors during conjugation  Cells without the F factor (F– ) function as Dna recipients during conjugation  The F cistron is transferable during conjugation
  80. 80. © 2022 Pearson Teaching, Inc. Effigy 24.17-one 1 One strand of F+ cell plasmid Deoxyribonucleic acid breaks at arrowhead. Bacterial chromosome Bacterial chromosome F plasmid Mating span F+ cell (donor) F− cell (recipient)
  81. 81. © 2022 Pearson Teaching, Inc. Effigy 24.17-2 21 I strand of F+ prison cell plasmid DNA breaks at arrowhead. Bacterial chromosome Bacterial chromosome F plasmid Mating bridge F+ cell (donor) F− prison cell (recipient) Cleaved strand peels off and enters F− cell.
  82. 82. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Effigy 24.17-3 321 One strand of F+ cell plasmid DNA breaks at arrowhead. Bacterial chromosome Bacterial chromosome F plasmid Mating span F+ prison cell (donor) F− cell (recipient) Broken strand peels off and enters F− cell. Donor and recipient cells synthesize complementary DNA strands.
  83. 83. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.17-4 4321 One strand of F+ jail cell plasmid Dna breaks at arrowhead. Bacterial chromosome Bacterial chromosome F plasmid Mating bridge F+ jail cell (donor) F− cell (recipient) F+ cell F+ jail cell Broken strand peels off and enters F− cell. Recipient prison cell is at present a recombinant F+ cell. Donor and recipient cells synthesize complementary DNA strands.
  84. 84. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc.  The F cistron tin can as well be integrated into the chromosome  A prison cell with the F factor built into its chromosomes functions as a donor during conjugation  The recipient becomes a recombinant bacterium, with DNA from two different cells
  85. 85. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. R Plasmids and Antibiotic Resistance  Genes for antibiotic resistance are carried in R plasmids  Antibiotics kill sensitive bacteria, but non leaner with specific R plasmids  Through natural choice, the fraction of bacteria with genes for resistance increases in a population exposed to antibiotics  Antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria are becoming more than common
  86. 86. © 2022 Pearson Didactics, Inc. Concept 24.4: Prokaryotes have radiated into a diverse ready of lineages  Prokaryotes have radiated extensively due to various structural and metabolic adaptations  Prokaryotes inhabit every environs known to back up life
  87. 87. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. An Overview of Prokaryotic Diversity  Applying molecular systematics to the investigation of prokaryotic phylogeny has produced dramatic results  Molecular systematics led to the splitting of prokaryotes into bacteria and archaea  Molecular systematists continue to work on the phylogeny of prokaryotes
  88. 88. © 2022 Pearson Educational activity, Inc. Figure 24.18 UNIVERSAL Antecedent Domain Eukarya Gram-positive bacteria Blue-green alga Spirochetes Chlamydias Proteobacteria Nanoarchaeotes Crenarchaeotes Euryarchaeotes Korarchaeotes Eukaryotes DomainArchaeaDomainBacteria
  89. 89. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc.  The use of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has allowed for more than rapid sequencing of prokaryote genomes  A handful of soil may comprise 10,000 prokaryotic species  Horizontal cistron transfer betwixt prokaryotes obscures the root of the tree of life
  90. 90. © 2022 Pearson Teaching, Inc. Bacteria  Bacteria include the vast bulk of prokaryotes familiar to well-nigh people  Various nutritional types are scattered among the major groups of leaner Video: Tubeworms
  91. 91. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.UN01 Eukarya Bacteria Archaea
  92. 92. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.19a Alpha subgroup Beta subgroup Gamma subgroup Delta subgroup Epsilon subgroup Rhizobium (arrows) (TEM) Nitrosomonas (TEM) Thiomargarita namibiensis (LM) Helicobacter pylori (TEM) Chondromyces crocatus (SEM) Proteo- leaner Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon ii.5µm 1µm2µm 300µm 200µm
  93. 93. © 2022 Pearson Pedagogy, Inc.  Proteobacteria are gram-negative bacteria including photoautotrophs, chemoautotrophs, and heterotrophs  Some are anaerobic and others aerobic
  94. 94. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Effigy 24.19aa Proteobacteria Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon
  95. 95. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc.  Members of the subgroup blastoff proteobacteria are closely associated with eukaryotic hosts in many cases  Scientists hypothesize that mitochondria evolved from aerobic alpha proteobacteria through endosymbiosis  Example: Rhizobium, which forms root nodules in legumes and fixes atmospheric N2  Example: Agrobacterium, which produces tumors in plants and is used in genetic applied science
  96. 96. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.19ab Alpha subgroup Rhizobium (arrows) inside a root cell of a legume (TEM) 2.5µm
  97. 97. © 2022 Pearson Educational activity, Inc.  Members of the subgroup beta proteobacteria are nutritionally diverse  Example: the soil bacterium Nitrosomonas, which converts NH4 + to NO2 –
  98. 98. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.19ac Beta subgroup Nitrosomonas (colorized TEM) 1µm
  99. 99. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc.  The subgroup gamma proteobacteria includes sulfur leaner such as Thiomargarita namibiensis and pathogens such as Legionella, Salmonella, and Vibrio cholerae  Escherichia coli resides in the intestines of many mammals and is not normally pathogenic
  100. 100. © 2022 Pearson Educational activity, Inc. Figure 24.19ad Gamma subgroup Thiomargarita namibiensis containing sulfur wastes (LM) 200µm
  101. 101. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc.  The subgroup delta proteobacteria includes the slime-secreting myxobacteria and bdellovibrios, a bacteria that attacks other bacteria
  102. 102. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.19ae Delta subgroup Fruiting bodies of Chondromyces crocatus, a myxobacterium (SEM) 300µm
  103. 103. © 2022 Pearson Educational activity, Inc.  The subgroup epsilon proteobacteria contains many pathogens including Campylobacter, which causes claret poisoning, and Helicobacter pylori, which causes stomach ulcers
  104. 104. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.19af Epsilon subgroup Helicobacter pylori (colorized TEM) 2µm
  105. 105. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.19b Spirochetes Blue-green alga Gram-positive bacteria Chlamydias Leptospira (TEM) Oscillatoria Streptomyces (SEM) Chlamydia (arrows) (TEM) Mycoplasmas (SEM) 2.5µm 40µm 5µm2µm 5µm
  106. 106. © 2022 Pearson Didactics, Inc.  Chlamydias are parasites that live within brute cells  Chlamydia trachomatis causes blindness and nongonococcal urethritis past sexual transmission
  107. 107. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Effigy 24.19ba Chlamydias Chlamydia (arrows) inside an animal prison cell (colorized TEM) ii.5µm
  108. 108. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc.  Spirochetes are helical heterotrophs  Some are parasites, including Treponema pallidum, which causes syphilis, and Borrelia burgdorferi, which causes Lyme disease
  109. 109. © 2022 Pearson Teaching, Inc. Effigy 24.19bb Spirochetes Leptospira, a spirochete (colorized TEM) 5µm
  110. 110. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc.  Cyanobacteria are photoautotrophs that generate O2  Constitute chloroplasts likely evolved from blue-green alga by the procedure of endosymbiosis
  111. 111. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.19bc Cyanobacteria Oscillatoria, a filamentous cyanobacterium 40µm
  112. 112. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc.  Gram-positive bacteria include  Actinomycetes, which decompose soil  Streptomyces, which are a source of antibiotics  Bacillus anthracis, the crusade of anthrax  Clostridium botulinum, the cause of botulism  Some Staphylococcus and Streptococcus, which tin can be pathogenic  Mycoplasms, the smallest known cells
  113. 113. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Effigy 24.19bd Gram-positive leaner Streptomyces, the source of many antibiotics (SEM) 5µm
  114. 114. © 2022 Pearson Teaching, Inc. Figure 24.19be Gram-positive leaner Hundreds of mycoplasmas covering a human fibroblast cell (colorized SEM) 2µm
  115. 115. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Archaea  Archaea share certain traits with bacteria and other traits with eukaryotes
  116. 116. © 2022 Pearson Pedagogy, Inc. Effigy 24.UN02 Eukarya Bacteria Archaea
  117. 117. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Table 24.2
  118. 118. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Table 24.2a
  119. 119. © 2022 Pearson Teaching, Inc. Table 24.2b
  120. 120. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc.  Some archaea live in farthermost environments and are called extremophiles  Extreme halophiles alive in highly saline environments  Farthermost thermophiles thrive in very hot environments Video: Blue-green alga (Oscillatoria)
  121. 121. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.xx
  122. 122. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc.  Methanogens produce methane as a waste production  Methanogens are strict anaerobes and are poisoned by O2  Methanogens live in swamps and marshes, in the guts of cattle, and nigh deep-sea hydrothermal vents
  123. 123. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Effigy 24.21 2 µm
  124. 124. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.21a
  125. 125. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.21b 2 µm
  126. 126. © 2022 Pearson Educational activity, Inc.  Recent metagenomic studies have revealed many new groups of archaea  Some of these may offer clues to the early on evolution of life on Globe
  127. 127. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Concept 24.v: Prokaryotes play crucial roles in the biosphere  Prokaryotes are so important that if they were to disappear, the prospects for whatever other life surviving would be dim
  128. 128. © 2022 Pearson Teaching, Inc. Chemical Recycling  Prokaryotes play a major role in the recycling of chemical elements between the living and nonliving components of ecosystems  Chemoheterotrophic prokaryotes function as decomposers, breaking downwards dead organisms and waste products
  129. 129. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc.  Prokaryotes tin can sometimes increase the availability of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium for plant growth  Prokaryotes tin can likewise "immobilize" or decrease the availability of nutrients
  130. 130. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Effigy 24.22 Seedlings growing in the lab Soil treatment UptakeofKbyplants(mg) Strain one Strain 2 Strain 3No bacteria 1.0 0.viii 0.six 0.four 0.2 0
  131. 131. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.22a Seedlings growing in the lab
  132. 132. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Ecological Interactions  Symbiosis is an ecological human relationship in which ii species live in close contact: a larger host and smaller symbiont  Prokaryotes oftentimes grade symbiotic relationships with larger organisms
  133. 133. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc.  In mutualism, both symbiotic organisms benefit  In commensalism, ane organism benefits while neither harming nor helping the other in any significant manner  In parasitism, an organism called a parasite harms but does not kill its host  Parasites that crusade disease are chosen pathogens
  134. 134. © 2022 Pearson Teaching, Inc. Figure 24.23
  135. 135. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc.  The ecological communities of hydrothermal vents depend on chemoautotrophic leaner for energy
  136. 136. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Affect on Humans  The all-time-known prokaryotes are pathogens, but many others take positive interactions with humans
  137. 137. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Mutualistic Bacteria  Homo intestines are dwelling house to most 500–one,000 species of bacteria  Many of these are mutualists and break downwards food that is undigested by our intestines
  138. 138. © 2022 Pearson Didactics, Inc. Pathogenic Bacteria  Prokaryotes cause about half of all human diseases  For example, Lyme illness is caused by a bacterium and carried past ticks
  139. 139. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.24 5 µm
  140. 140. © 2022 Pearson Teaching, Inc. Figure 24.24a
  141. 141. © 2022 Pearson Instruction, Inc. Figure 24.24b
  142. 142. © 2022 Pearson Educational activity, Inc. Figure 24.24c 5 µm
  143. 143. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc.  Pathogenic prokaryotes typically cause illness by releasing exotoxins or endotoxins  Exotoxins are secreted and cause illness even if the prokaryotes that produce them are not present  Endotoxins are released but when bacteria die and their cell walls interruption down
  144. 144. © 2022 Pearson Educational activity, Inc.  Horizontal gene transfer can spread genes associated with virulence  For example, pathogenic strains of the normally harmless Eastward. coli leaner take emerged through horizontal gene transfer
  145. 145. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Prokaryotes in Research and Technology  Experiments using prokaryotes have led to important advances in Dna technology  For example, Eastward. coli is used in factor cloning  For example, Agrobacterium tumefaciens is used to produce transgenic plants
  146. 146. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc.  Bacteria can at present exist used to make natural plastics  Prokaryotes are the main agents in bioremediation, the use of organisms to remove pollutants from the environment  Bacteria can exist engineered to produce vitamins, antibiotics, and hormones  Bacteria are also being engineered to produce ethanol from waste product biomass
  147. 147. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.25 (a) (b)
  148. 148. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.25a (a)
  149. 149. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.25b (b)
  150. 150. © 2022 Pearson Instruction, Inc. Figure 24.26
  151. 151. © 2022 Pearson Teaching, Inc. Effigy 24.UN03
  152. 152. © 2022 Pearson Teaching, Inc. Figure 24.UN04 Fimbriae Cell wall Sheathing Flagella Sexual activity pilus Internal organization Circular chromosome
  153. 153. © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.UN05

  • Figure 24.1 What organisms lived on early World?
  • Effigy 24.2 Bacteria that inhabit the human body
  • Figure 24.3 Amino acid synthesis in a simulated volcanic eruption
  • Figure 24.3a Amino acid synthesis in a simulated volcanic eruption (photograph)
  • Figure 24.4 Features of abiotically produced vesicles
  • Figure 24.4a Features of abiotically produced vesicles (part ane: cocky-assembly)
  • Figure 24.4b Features of abiotically produced vesicles (function two: reproduction)
  • Effigy 24.4c Features of abiotically produced vesicles (part iii: absorption of RNA)
  • Figure 24.5 Advent in the fossil record of early on prokaryote groups
  • Figure 24.5a Appearance in the fossil record of early prokaryote groups (part 1: graph)
  • Effigy 24.5b Appearance in the fossil tape of early on prokaryote groups (office 2: nonphotosynthetic bacteria)
  • Figure 24.5c Advent in the fossil record of early prokaryote groups (part iii: stromatolite)
  • Figure 24.5d Advent in the fossil tape of early prokaryote groups (part 4: cyanobacterium)
  • Effigy 24.6 The most common shapes of prokaryotes
  • Effigy 24.6a The most common shapes of prokaryotes (office 1: spherical)
  • Effigy 24.6b The nigh mutual shapes of prokaryotes (part 2: rod-shaped)
  • Figure 24.6c The well-nigh common shapes of prokaryotes (part 3: spiral)
  • Figure 24.7 Gram staining
  • Effigy 24.7a Gram staining (part 1: Gram-positive)
  • Effigy 24.7b Gram staining (function ii: Gram-negative)
  • Figure 24.7c Gram staining (part 3: micrograph)
  • Figure 24.8 Sheathing
  • Effigy 24.ix Fimbriae
  • Figure 24.10 A prokaryotic flagellum
  • Figure 24.10a A prokaryotic flagellum (TEM)
  • Figure 24.11 Specialized membranes of prokaryotes
  • Effigy 24.11a Specialized membranes of prokaryotes (part 1: aerobic)
  • Figure 24.11b Specialized membranes of prokaryotes (part 2: photosynthetic)
  • Figure 24.12 A prokaryotic chromosome and plasmids
  • Table 24.i Major nutritional modes
  • Effigy 24.thirteen Metabolic cooperation in a prokaryote
  • Figure 24.14 Research: Tin can prokaryotes evolve rapidly in response to environmental change?
  • Figure 24.14a Research: Can prokaryotes evolve rapidly in response to environmental change? (results)
  • Effigy 24.fifteen-one Transduction (footstep ane)
  • Figure 24.15-two Transduction (step 2)
  • Figure 24.15-3 Transduction (step 3)
  • Figure 24.15-4 Transduction (step iv)
  • Effigy 24.15-5 Transduction (step five)
  • Figure 24.16 Bacterial conjugation
  • Effigy 24.17-1 Conjugation and transfer of an F plasmid, resulting in recombination (footstep i)
  • Figure 24.17-2 Conjugation and transfer of an F plasmid, resulting in recombination (step two)
  • Figure 24.17-3 Conjugation and transfer of an F plasmid, resulting in recombination (pace 3)
  • Effigy 24.17-4 Conjugation and transfer of an F plasmid, resulting in recombination (step iv)
  • Effigy 24.eighteen A simplified phylogeny of prokaryotes
  • Figure 24.UN01 In-text figure, bacteria mini-tree, p. 471
  • Effigy 24.19a Exploring major groups of leaner (part 1)
  • Figure 24.19aa Exploring major groups of bacteria (part 1a: proteobacteria tree)
  • Effigy 24.19ab Exploring major groups of bacteria (part 1b: alpha subgroup)
  • Figure 24.19ac Exploring major groups of bacteria (function 1c: beta subgroup)
  • Figure 24.19ad Exploring major groups of bacteria (part 1d: gamma subgroup)
  • Figure 24.19ae Exploring major groups of bacteria (part 1e: delta subgroup)
  • Figure 24.19af Exploring major groups of bacteria (part 1f: epsilon subgroup)
  • Figure 24.19b Exploring major groups of bacteria (part two)
  • Figure 24.19ba Exploring major groups of bacteria (function 2a: chlamydias)
  • Figure 24.19bb Exploring major groups of bacteria (function 2b: spirochetes)
  • Figure 24.19bc Exploring major groups of bacteria (function 2c: cyanobacteria)
  • Effigy 24.19bd Exploring major groups of bacteria (office 2d: Gram-positive, Streptomyces)
  • Figure 24.19be Exploring major groups of bacteria (part 2e: Gram-positive, mycoplasmas)
  • Figure 24.UN02 In-text figure, Archaea mini-tree, p. 471
  • Table 24.2 A comparison of the 3 domains of life
  • Table 24.2a A comparison of the 3 domains of life (role 1)
  • Table 24.2b A comparison of the three domains of life (part 2)
  • Effigy 24.20 Extreme thermophiles
  • Figure 24.21 A highly thermophilic methanogen
  • Figure 24.21a A highly thermophilic methanogen (part 1: photograph)
  • Effigy 24.21b A highly thermophilic methanogen (function 2: micrograph)
  • Figure 24.22 Touch on of bacteria on soil nutrient availability
  • Effigy 24.22a Impact of bacteria on soil food availability (photograph)
  • Figure 24.23 Mutualism: bacterial "headlights"
  • Effigy 24.24 Lyme affliction
  • Effigy 24.24a Lyme disease (part 1: tick)
  • Figure 24.24b Lyme disease (function 2: rash)
  • Effigy 24.24c Lyme disease (function three: SEM)
  • Figure 24.25 Products from prokaryotes
  • Figure 24.25a Products from prokaryotes (part 1: PHA)
  • Figure 24.25b Products from prokaryotes (office 2: E-85)
  • Figure 24.26 Bioremediation of an oil spill
  • Figure 24.UN03 Skills exercise: making a bar graph and interpreting information
  • Figure 24.UN04 Summary of key concepts: prokaryote adaptations
  • Figure 24.UN05 Test your understanding, question 8 (mutualism)
